If you're on Facebook, you likely know the feeling of logging in your account and seeing people's post you have no interest in viewing on your Home page. Of course, deleting them as your Facebook friend could potentially harm, so how can you omit their clutter on your Facebook Home page without offense? Utilize this one simple step for liberating yourself on Facebook: - Log in your Facebook account - Find a post on your Home page from a person you may like, but do not like seeing their Facebook posts regularly - Click the small arrow button on the right side of their post to select from a range of viewing settings that best suit your preference Now, you can enjoy the fun of Facebook while allowing others to do the same! Amy O'Pry O'Pry Consulting www.opryconsulting.com Public Relations and Business Development
Do you like Facebook, but sometimes feel confused about what to post? If so, you are not alone! Utilize these quick Facebook tips so that you'll look and feel cool: - Mix It Up with Photos - If a photo is worth a thousand words, allow your Facebook friends to enjoy pictures of your favorite places, events, family/friends and interests. This will allow others to get to know what makes you tick and you to create a bird's eye view of who you are as an individual. - Sharing Articles of Social Interest - By posting articles you've found through researching your personal and/or professional interests, you can inspire your Facebook friends and increase your knowledge awareness at the same time. Common topics often enjoyed seem to be uplifting subjects on health, happiness, spirituality, business, volunteerism, culture, food, family, etc. Sharing humor is fun as long as it's in good taste. It's very important to always be aware of your audience! - Video Imaging - It's amazing how powerful a video can be to inform, empower and inspire! YouTube, www.youtube.com is an excellent source of video sharing! The general rule for video postings is to make sure they are not offensive to others and limit the view time to a minimum, when possible. - Reaching Others Through Music - These days it's easier than ever to find your favorite song or music video on YouTube, www.youtube.com and share it on your Facebook page. Simply by sharing the link, you could introduce your Facebook friends to the latest and greatest songs or take them down memory lane! Sharing information on Facebook is fun and easy. When you want to share any website, article, video, blog, etc., simply "Cut and Paste" the desired website address you'd like to share by highlight the address box, then right clicking on it to "Copy"; once you get to your Facebook status for posting, right click again and "Paste" the link; within a few seconds you will have an interesting post that others can enjoy! In unity, Amy O'Pry O'Pry Consulting www.opryconsulting.com Public Relations and Business Development Check out Amy's Blog and Build Your Dream Complimentary Form!
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