When we are passionate, it shows! People start to take notice when you are living through what you love. Okay, so not everything we do in life overflows our "cup of joy" even though to be happy we must do it. Do you ever secretly wonder how you could live with more passion?
While earning my Certification in Business Development with FocalPoint InternationaI, I was thrust into a whole new world of inspiration that transformed my understanding of success and how to get it. If you are like me, you read a lot of books and articles, watch a lot of videos, and even listen to CD's that help you become your most successful self. By chance, do you currently write down your goals? If so, great! If not... why? What if I told, right now, you could start accomplishing your dreams by writing down your passions, would you? Could you break through the fear and be honest with yourself about what it is you truly want? I have to admit, it takes a lot of nerve! Although striving for our dreams can be scary, living without passion is much worse. See, it's when we listen to our intuition, and trust the power of our individual passions, are we able to give back to the world around us... and truly embrace our purpose. So what drives you? What gets your motor running? Chances are, THOSE are your passions! You know, the beauty about life is that we have options, and the choice is ours! Happy Weekend! Amy O'Pry www.opryconsulting.com Learn. Grow. Inspire.
Amy's Blog
Amy O'Pry
Communication Specialist, Psychic Medium Individual & Group Coaching
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September 2023